This project addresses the study of energy efficiency in buildings where, due to their use, energy consumption is especially high. For this, in the present project an energy control system of the air conditioning and DHW facilities common in buildings and tertiary / residential complexes is developed, not limiting the energy source only to electricity, but also to other sources such as gas and solar thermal energy.

Most of the existing buildings are not prepared for these new technologies, so the present project will adapt the buildings and their facilities to the current society, where infinite parameters can be monitored and controlled in order to achieve the objectives set by the European Directive in terms of energy efficiency, which for 2020, calls for a 20% reduction in energy consumption in the European Union.

This project allows the monitoring of air conditioning installations in buildings and tertiary and residential complexes, allowing the user, in all its modalities – end user of the service, maintainer and manager of the installation and owner, to participate in the energy management of their facilities , as well as improve energy efficiency, and ultimately, minimize environmental impact.

Although solutions have been proposed for the management of HVAC facilities, such as the management services for the renovation and / or transformation of centralized boiler rooms for heating and DHW proposed by SOGARPO, the proposed system differs of the other solutions, taking into account, among other aspects such as, integrating and interrelating the three participating actors, developing the tool taking into account the identification of the devices when connecting them (plug and play), adding high added value energy functionalities in reference to the optimization of energy efficiency and billing with respect to replanning of loads according to different billing periods, or to suppress superfluous information considering only the relevant one for users.

The main objective of the support program for Innovative Business Clusters (AEI) of MINETUR is to promote innovative collaborative projects by offering subsidies to companies that belong to the clusters recognized by the Ministry as AEIs.

Participants in the project:

  • AGC Assesoría de Gestió i Comunicacions
  • NUTAI – Nuevas Técnicas de Automatización Industrial
  • ENGITEC Projectes d’enginyeria
  • ITE – Instituto de Tecnología Energética
  • Clúster de Energía de la Comunitat Valenciana