
36 posts

Green Innovation and Investment Forum

The 4th edition of the Green Innovation and Investment Forum, in which the cluster participates as a promoter partner, will be held in Stuttgart on February 21st. In this event will be presented the 20 start-ups that out from a total of 12 countries have been previously selected as the most innovative by a jury after a process of evaluation […]

Presentation of the book “Companies that change the world”

Next February 1 at 10 am the presentation of the book “Companies that change the world” by REDIT will be held in the Innsomnia building, Muelle de la Aduana, base 2, Marina Real de Valencia. The 11 institutes that make up the REDIT network have participated in this book, among which is the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE), member of […]

Conference about the energetic transformation in Germany

The Cluster has been invited to an event with representation of the German Consulate, where German companies will meet and it will be an opportunity to do networking in the field of Energy. The act called “The Energy Transition in Germany” aims to bring together Spanish and German companies in the energy sector.

Successful Conference on Biogas Installations promoted by the Cluster

Successful conference on Biogas Installations promoted by the Cluster with the help of the IVACE and the presence of its general director Mrs. Julia Company and the Head of Planning, Studies and Renewable Energies Mr. Joaquín P. Mas. In the event have participated numerous companies involved in the sector, as well as and agricultural and livestock organizations and companies. Biogas […]

News in the press about the Conference of advantages of Biogas

The Energy Cluster of the Valencia Region together with Gas Natural, INDEREN, the ITE-Technological Institute of Energy and with the support of the IVACE have gathered at the ITE headquarters in Paterna companies and experts representing the actors that make possible agricultural and livestock farms and food industry of the Region have facilities that use their organic waste to produce biogas, […]