The Cluster participates in the LIFE + CO2FORMARE project in a consortium formed by Iberdrola Generación, which leads the project, Iberdrola Ingeniería, Idesa Fabrication, the Water Technology Center (CETAQUA), Nalco Española and the OX-CTA Water Treatment Company. The project aims to promote the protection of the environment with the efficient use of CO2 produced in thermal power plants and thus […]
The Cluster of Energy of the Valencia Region has held its General Assembly, chaired by the Minister of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Occupation Mr. Máximo Buch; and the Mayor of Castellón Mr. Alfonso Bataller, in the headquarters that this association has in the Innovation, Energy and Sustainability Center of Castellón. The Cluster of Energy of the Valencia Region brings together […]
The Cluster of Energy of the Valencia Region and the f2e Foundation (Foundation for Energy Efficiency of the Valencian Community) have gathered in the I Conference on Efficient Lighting Systems some of the companies and entities more at the forefront in the field of efficient lighting. Trends such as the Smart Grinds (Intelligent Electrical Networks), the new lighting control and […]
A representation of the Cluster of Energy of the Valencia Region visited the Marina d’Or hotel complex this morning with the aim of knowing the energy facilities that the company owns and which are the origin of the group’s diversification. This visit has taken place after the incorporation of Marina d’Or Renewable Energies to the Cluster of Energy of the […]
University Jaume I of Castellón has hosted a meeting to present the Cluster of Energy of the Vaelcnia Region in the campus of Castellón. The aim of the meeting was to put in contact the heads of member companies of the Cluster with the different research groups of the University to allow mutual knowledge and explore possible ways of collaboration, […]
El pasado 11 de octubre, y en el marco de los Open Days, se presentó el Clúster de la Energía de la Comunidad Valenciana (CECV) en la sede de Climate-KIC de Bruselas. La presentación contó con la participación del secretario autonómico de Economía, Industria y Comercio, José Monzonís, el director de la Agencia Valenciana de la Energía, Antonio Cejalvo, el […]