Technological Vigilance is an organized, selective and permanent process of gathering information from outside and from within the organization on science and technology, selecting it, analyzing it, disseminating it and communicating it, to turn it into knowledge to make decisions with less risk and to be able to anticipate the changes. It is a basic element of the R & D & I Management System, as it will allow you to focus on developments that are critical to an organization and outsource those of less strategic importance. It will also enable the identification of the best technological partners and minimize the R + D + I effort, taking advantage of the latest developments.
Competitive Intelligence is a set of coordinated actions of search, treatment (filtering, classification, analysis), distribution, understanding, exploitation and protection of information obtained in a legal way, useful for the economic actors of an organization for the development of their individual and collective strategies. It continuously enhances Strategic Planning and its objective is to detect signs of change, analyze trends, reactions, strategies of competition, new threats, opportunities, etc., so that the competitive scenario is always updated.