Project: Energy Machine Hunter

The company Nuevas Técnicas de Automatización Industrial S.L. (NUTAI) and the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE), together with the Energy Cluster of the Valencia Region, are carrying out an innovative project of industry 4.0 to increase the productive capacity by optimizing a predictive maintenance based on a on-line diagnosis of machinery and equipment, making use of digital technologies for this […]

Participation in a radio program dedicated to “Smart Cities”

This morning we had the opportunity to record a radio program about the theme of Smart Cities for the program Sustainable Development, led by Sherezade Enguídanos, in GestionaRadio (107.1), radio belonging to Las Provincias group. The program has been developed with the participation of the organizations of the Cluster of Energy of the Valencia Region: Nunsys (represented by Mr. Salvador […]

Conference on Cogeneration and the Law on Energy Transition and Climate Change

A very interesting conference: “Cogeneration in the Law of Energy Transition and Climate Change, a framework for reinvestment in the cogeneration sector” will be held in Madrid on March 13. In this day will review the scope and current status of the future Law of Energy Transition and climate change, which will be a key instrument to ensure the achievement […]

Green Innovation and Investment Forum

The 4th edition of the Green Innovation and Investment Forum, in which the cluster participates as a promoter partner, will be held in Stuttgart on February 21st. In this event will be presented the 20 start-ups that out from a total of 12 countries have been previously selected as the most innovative by a jury after a process of evaluation […]

Conference on Energy, Environment and Industry 4.0 sponsored by Gas Natural Fenosa and IVACE.

The next February 6 there will be a very interesting day of Energy, Environment and Industry 4.0 about Industry 4.0, applications and uses that transform the activities and processes into more efficient and effective, sponsored by Gas Natural Fenosa and IVACE. Around these axes, the day will feature the participation of the members of the Energy Cluster of the CV: […]

Presentation of the book “Companies that change the world”

Next February 1 at 10 am the presentation of the book “Companies that change the world” by REDIT will be held in the Innsomnia building, Muelle de la Aduana, base 2, Marina Real de Valencia. The 11 institutes that make up the REDIT network have participated in this book, among which is the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE), member of […]